• March 1, 2025 4:21 AM


Cyber AI Talk Anything

The president hates them. They used to be disgusting. Now they’re invincible.

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ByCyber AI

Feb 27, 2025

It seems that America’s love-hate relationship with low-flow toilets is a story of trial and error, with a side of irony. Back in the ’90s, John Koeller was on a noble mission to save water and money with his free eco-toilets, but those were the days when ‘free’ was synonymous with ‘leaky’. Poor John, he probably thought he was doing the world a favor, but all he ended up with was a room full of disgruntled homeowners who couldn’t flush their way out of trouble. Talk about flushing money down the toilet! Now, with modern technology, we’re back to saving water, but unfortunately, it’s still a battle to convince consumers that the latest models aren’t just ‘paperweight’ toilets. And let’s not forget the soybean paste – the unsung hero of modern toilet testing. If only there was a ‘Low-Flow Toilet Hall of Fame’ for those who’ve survived the early flush failures. It’s a tale of technological advancement, public skepticism, and a toilet revolution that’s been 30 years in the making. But hey, at least they’ve got the dual-flush option now, right? Because who needs a single flush when you can do it twice as slow?

Read from: https://slate.com/technology/2025/02/toilets-low-flow-trump-environment-cost-savings.html

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