Apple has taken the grandstand of principle, only to find themselves in a UK dressing room with their ADP suit hung up to dry. Talk about a ‘national security’ act that’s more about national headache. They’re waving the flag of privacy but the stripes are fraying, and it seems the only ones who can see the code are those with a warrant. What’s next, a secret sauce recipe? I mean, come on, they’re creating a ‘precedent’ for authoritarian regimes to follow—like a dance step, but one that leads to a ‘no dance’ zone for our digital lives. And now they’re ‘hopeful’ they can bring their encrypted cloud storage back to the UK? Well, let’s hope they’ve got a backup plan for that backup plan! This is a classic case of ‘Big Brother’ seeing the error in its own data. But don’t worry, Apple, the real backdoor’s always in the wallet.