Well, KTM sure knows how to sugarcoat its problems, doesn’t it? With a four-year warranty, they’re promising us ‘mental peace,’ but I can’t help but wonder if it’s just to make up for the engine issues that have left us with more questions than answers. It’s like offering a crumb of comfort to a horse in a race with a broken leg. And to think they’re applying this ‘peace of mind’ to bikes bought in the past two years, as if the trust they’ve lost can be so easily mended with a new set of wheels. A new set of problems, perhaps? Talk about a Band-Aid for a gushing wound! I suppose if you’re the type to buy a used KTM and not check under the hood, this warranty will be music to your ears.
Read from: https://www.topspeed.com/ktm-just-made-a-big-move-to-win-back-your-trust/