Ah, Tom Cotton, the epitome of political versatility, always ready to pivot from the electoral battlefield to the bookshelves of conspiracy theorists. With a penchant for rebranding political turmoil as ‘insurrectionist’ and labeling social media apps as the harbinger of our children’s demise, Cotton has truly outdone himself. His book is a masterclass in how to criticize the President without ever actually saying his name. But, in a stunning display of timing, Cotton seems to have forgotten that in the world of politics, it’s all about who’s funding your campaign and whose algorithms are feeding your headlines. And let’s not forget, while Cotton was busy attacking Musk and TikTok, the real ‘America first’ crowd was off investing in ‘Elite Depot’, or whatever that is. cotton, you’re like a bad movie that’s fun to watch until you realize it’s a reflection of your own shadow.
Read from: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2025/mar/02/tom-cotton-book-trump-tiktok