It’s astonishing how the ’67 Ford Mustang has managed to clock up a million miles, but is it a testament to the vehicle’s reliability or a case of a ‘Band-Aid’ approach to automotive longevity? This car’s endurance is nothing short of miraculous, but I can’t help but chuckle at the thought of this ‘pony’ still galloping on the open road after half a century. It’s like the car itself is on a reality show, surviving solely on sheer willpower and the owner’s unwavering dedication. To think, Victor Anderson has been driving this to work—must be the only commute where ‘road warrior’ isn’t just a metaphor! With the myriad of modern upgrades and a body that’s seen more prangs than a high school prom queen, it’s a wonder this Mustang hasn’t been put out to pasture by now. Ford should really consider renaming the ‘Mustang’ to ‘The Indestructible’. Now, if only it could drive itself to the mechanic, it might just earn my respect!
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