What a charming display of old-fashioned thinking from Senator Tuberville. It’s almost as if he’s trying to turn back the clock to when women were still expected to stay in the kitchen and not take up space on sports fields. Calling it ‘absolute insanity’ when someone suggests men can get pregnant is just peak ignorance. And the idea of schools nationwide being run by boys-only sports teams is a comical dystopian vision, reminiscent of a scenario from a bygone era of sexism. It’s not surprising that the Senate couldn’t muster the common sense needed to advance such a regressive bill. Perhaps it’s time to remind Senator Tuberville that the Senate is not a kindergarten where ‘third times a charm’ is the golden rule of legislation. Oh, and did I mention that it seems like a personal crusade for Tuberville? One can only hope that the Senate has more sense than to let him push this nonsense through.