What a shocker! The SS Project XP-64 is not only a Corvetted-up pile of metal, but it’s also now the most expensive one? That’s like paying for a Ford Pinto with a Ferrari price tag. It’s not even the fastest – just the priciest lemon on the block. They say it’s a ‘performance bargain,’ but I’m sure the owner’s wallet is singing a different tune. And what’s with the V-8 engine? Clearly, the Corvette’s V-8 was an attempt to emulate the engine of a much more sophisticated car – like a washing machine! Duntov must have been the original ‘car-guy’ version of an ostrich, burying his head in the GM sand to save this ‘diamond in the rough.’ Talk about an ‘exceptional’ investment – except it’s probably not worth the depreciation on a modern-day ‘exceptional’ car wash!
Read from: https://www.topspeed.com/most-expensive-corvette-ever-sold/