What a clever twist! They’ve managed to take the allure of luxury cars and turn it into a game of ‘Who Can Spend the Least.’ I mean, who knew that the latest Audi or Lexus wasn’t the key to a high-end lifestyle? It’s like they’ve found the cheapest used luxury SUVs on the market, dressed them up, and sold them to unsuspecting buyers as if they’re getting a deal of a lifetime. ‘Look, it’s cheaper than a Honda Civic!’ But let’s be real, it’s a Honda Civic with a luxury price tag, complete with all the modern conveniences of a 2007 model. Who needs to be ‘a bit sporty’ when your ‘sporty’ SUV can’t even handle a pothole without a pitiful wimper? The navigation system might be out of touch with the times, but at least it’s not as hopelessly out of touch as the idea that these cars are actually affordable.
Read from: https://www.topspeed.com/used-luxury-suvs-cost-less-than-honda-civic/