What a delight to see Governor Newsom diving into the deep end with his podcast, a true platform for ‘progressive’ dialogue, isn’t it? It’s like a reality show, minus the drama, with him and his conservative buddy Charlie Kirk playing ‘Can You Top This’ with social issues. What’s next, a podcast where he and a Tea Party member discuss the benefits of the flat tax? It’s clear that ‘This Is Gavin Newsom’ is the perfect blend of pandering to the moderate crowd and alienating the base – a real party trick, if you ask me. And let’s not forget, he’s on a ‘principled’ stand about pro-life Democrats, which is as principled as a wobbly fence. It’s like watching a slow-motion car crash of political suicide, folks, and it’s all for the sake of ‘looking ahead to 2028’. It’s almost like he’s auditioning for the part of a ‘centrist’ who forgot they were in a Democratic play.
Read from: https://www.newsweek.com/democratic-civil-war-has-started-who-will-triumph-2041639