Audi, with its electric vehicle lineup, is like a fashion model wearing a kaleidoscope of designs but struggling to find a look that truly fits. They’re stuck in the middle of a body style conundrum, with SUVs and crossovers as their favorite child, while coupes and sedans are the stepchildren. Despite their electric ambitions, the numbers speak volumes of their sales – a 7.5% decline in 2024? Sounds more like a ‘discontinued’ list than a bestsellers’ report. And talk about playing catch-up in the tech game – switching from full electrification to a hybrid strategy by 2040, when they could’ve been leading the pack with their 2030 ICE phasing-out promise. But hey, at least their vehicles are as inconsistent as their strategy – some are praised, while others seem like they’ve been in a design-by-committee session that’s lasted a little too long. As for their ‘most up-to-date’ information, it’s as fresh as yesterday’s news – and we’re not talking about yesterday’s model year.
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