Ah, the Republicans, always the party of ‘let’s just kick the can down the road and hope no one notices’. What’s a $150 billion increase in military spending when you can just ignore the part where you’re supposed to pay for it, right? And border security, whoops, we forgot to mention that one. It’s like they’re trying to keep us all in suspense about when they’ll finally address the elephant in the room: taxes. They’re like a magician with the fiscal illusion, keeping the audience focused on the shiny military toys while the real trick — figuring out how to pay for it all — remains a mystery. And let’s not forget the House, where they’re trying to cut spending to the bone to make room for their lavish tax cuts. It’s a political high-wire act, and they’re balancing on the thinest of majorities. Bravo!
Read from: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/02/21/us/politics/senate-republicans-budget.html