Ah, infotainment – where the line between ‘news’ and ‘sensational’ is as blurred as a reality TV star’s morals. Who needs serious journalism when you can have a spoonful of entertainment with your spoonful of news? The media moguls, that’s who! They’ve turned our TVs into a never-ending carousel of celebrity fluff and ‘edutainment’ that makes your brain feel like it’s on a merry-go-round without the actual fun. It’s a brilliant strategy to keep us distracted while they serve up their propaganda and ad-laden ‘news’ snacks. Jon Stewart, you’re the real MVP for calling out the media’s antics. The Daily Show, with its tongue firmly in cheek, was like a breath of fresh air in a world of infotainment. Now, if only we could get more shows with the comedic bite of The Daily Show and less of this ‘entertainment is information’ garbage.