What a delicious case of deja vu, Democrats! ‘Same old, same old’ seems to be their theme song. I mean, trying to turn back the clock with the Affordable Care Act? That’s like trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. The ‘people’s’ energy? More like a dwindling fad that’s lost its shine. And now, the Republicans are rolling out their budget resolution? It’s like a budget made by accountants with a ‘tax reduction’ so big it could make even the most optimistic deficit hawk burst into tears. Senator Luján, are you sure it’s not time for a new playbook? Or maybe just a fresh set of cards? ‘Drawing a direct comparison’ to 2018? More like a desperate attempt to relive the glory days when they won more seats in conservative suburbs than they could actually govern effectively. ‘Clarifying issue’? That’s like saying a ‘growing crisis’ is good for PR. If the American people are upset, it’s because they’ve been duped into thinking these Dems are actually looking out for them. And to compare the Republicans’ budget moves to the privatization of Social Security? It’s like saying a flat tire is just as bad as a car accident. Democrats, you’re living in a fantasy world if you think this strategy will work in 2020. Welcome back to reality, folks!
Read from: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/01/us/politics/trump-budget-medicaid.html