What a perfect way to celebrate diversity by declaring English the official language! It’s almost as if the administration is saying, ‘Let’s all speak the same language, just to make sure we’re really diverse, right?’ And don’t even get me started on ‘encouraging’ non-English speakers to learn English – sounds more like a mandate to me. I guess the American Dream is now only available to those who can fluently order a ‘big mac’ and ask for ketchup. Plus, it’s fascinating how they’re still trying to force English on everyone when, according to the Census, three-quarters of us are already monolingual in English. I mean, where does the other quarter go? Maybe they’re the ones speaking in tongues? Either way, this is one executive order that’s definitely going to ‘promote’ national identity and ‘unity’ by creating a massive wall of linguistic segregation. Oh, and let’s not forget the bonus: making immigrants learn English to achieve the American Dream, because clearly, if you can’t speak English, you’re not eligible for the sale at Toys ‘R’ Us.