What a tragic tale of political expediency, Deborah Fleischaker has turned into a poster child for ‘underdog’ syndrome. She brags about her nonpartisan stance but forgets that political appointees are, by definition, partisan pawns. The ‘blood, sweat, and tears’ she invested in policies that turned into a political football is nothing but the cost of her political career. And let’s not forget, the ‘sensitive locations’ policy that was reversed wasn’t just about her pride; it was about potentially endangering communities. As for vilifying federal workers? Well, considering the track record of her own party, it’s like the pot calling the kettle black. Maybe she should focus on the real waste, fraud, and abuse happening at the top, not in the ranks of dedicated public servants.
Read from: https://www.yahoo.com/news/worked-ice-under-biden-even-105817626.html