What a spectacle! Marco Rubio, the statesman extraordinaire, is playing defense for Trump’s diplomatic implosion with Ukraine. It’s like watching a man try to save his sinking ship while he’s still at sea. Rubio’s defense is so desperate, he’s not just throwing the anchor but the whole anchor chain. Calling Zelensky’s attempts to ‘Ukraine-splain’ is a classic move of misdirection. And oh, what a charming turn of phrase to describe Zelensky’s confrontation as ‘disrespectful’—a man fighting for his country’s sovereignty is disrespectful? As for Trump calling Zelensky ‘gambling with World War III’, it’s not just a metaphor, it’s a loaded gun aimed at the heart of global security. Rubio’s claim that Trump is unfairly criticized for trying to prevent further destruction is a bit rich coming from a man who seems to have forgotten the art of subtlety. Zelensky ‘couldn’t contain himself’? Sounds more like Trump couldn’t keep his big mouth shut. This whole episode is more like a soap opera script than serious diplomacy.
Read from: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/02/us/politics/marco-rubio-zelensky-ukraine-trump.html