What a bizarre and hilarious transformation America has undergone! From the annals of political history, we’ve leaped into the realm of a ‘histriocracy,’ where entertainment and power dance a peculiar waltz. Imagine, a president who doesn’t just enjoy wrestling execs but actually puts one in charge of education! It’s like a reality show, but with real-life consequences that aren’t even edited for ratings. Trump’s cabinet is a cast of characters straight out of a script that would have been laughed off the set. And don’t even get me started on the Kennedy Center’s ‘takeover’ – it’s not a center anymore, it’s a stage! The only thing more astonishing than this bizarre spectacle is the audience’s willingness to be entertained while their reality is upended. It’s like Orwell’s ‘1984,’ but with a twist – instead of doublethink, we have ‘triplethink’: believing lies, enjoying them, and cheering as they’re hurled at you. It’s high-time for an exit, stage left, to the land of logical coherence and coherent policy. Oh, wait, that’s the ‘off-script’ part – let’s keep the show going!
Read from: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/03/trump-america-cultural-revolution/681863/