What a spectacle! President Trump’s declaration of war on ‘illegal protests’ is nothing short of comical. It’s like watching a playground bully threaten to take away his classmates’ lunch money if they don’t follow his arbitrary rules. And what about those ‘agitators’? Oh, I bet they’re just a bunch of kids with signs, not seasoned revolutionaries. As for ‘NO MASKS!’ – I guess Trump forgot he’s the one who’s always on a campaign trail trying to convince us he’s the only one who can protect us from imaginary dangers. The mention of these ten campuses as if they’re some kind of rogue state is laughable. They’re just trying to educate young minds, but I suppose in Trump’s world, education is just a smokescreen for breeding anti-Semitism. And let’s not forget, Columbia’s $51.4 million contract is in danger? What a perfect storm of irony! It’s like trying to take candy from a baby, but this time, the baby’s a university and the candy’s federal funds. It’s a farce, I tell you.
Read from: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-american-students-permanently-expelled-162037337.html