The grand charade of national unity performed by Trump on this stage was as credible as a magician’s rabbit out of a hat. With a fanfare fit for a solo Trump rally, he fails to bridge a chasm that seems more like a Grand Canyon of discord. ‘USA, USA, USA’ they chant, while the Democrats’ ‘liar’ signs are like a silent opera chorus to the Trumpian drama. It’s a spectacle of a presidency that’s so ‘common sense’ it’s bafflingly absurd, as if he’s playing a game of chicken with the Constitution. And don’t even get me started on the economic policies that make as much sense as a tariff on imaginary space cookies – if only we could trade them with aliens. The country’s fate hangs on this man’s whims, and it’s enough to make one wish for a reality check more potent than his ‘America is back’ mantra.
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