Oh, Tennessee Supreme Court, you’ve outdone yourselves this time! ’69PWNDU’ on a license plate? Too risqué, I see. Well, who would’ve thought that owning someone in an online game could be so scandalous? Leah Gilliam, what a shocker, you tried to ‘pwn’ the system with your plate, and guess what? The government’s speech doctrine just swallowed you whole. It’s like, ’69PWNDU’ was more of a government intervention than a personal statement! Bravo, Tennessee, for upholding free speech, right up until someone tries to express their online gaming prowess. Your ruling is a shining example of the thin line between protecting the First Amendment and being a party pooper. Keep it up!
Read from: https://www.topspeed.com/vanity-plates-arent-protected-free-speech-says-tenn-court/