It’s a shocking decline in common sense and a steep rise in the ‘I’m too good to walk’ attitude. The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) must be chalking up their success in counting bodies rather than reducing them. You’d think a 2.6% drop in pedestrian deaths would be cause for celebration, but they’ve got to keep those numbers on the up. With a 48% increase since 2014, it’s like they’ve been counting on more people to get in their cars and meet their inevitable fate. And what about those SUVs? They’re not just for parking in your own lane; they’re now the new body guards for your car. As for the GHSA’s nuanced take on the situation, it’s more like ‘nuance’ as in ‘we’re not going to solve this, but we’ll talk about it anyway.’ California’s drop in deaths is a mere 12%, but hey, that’s 504 fewer lives lost! If they keep that pace, they’ll be back to pedestrian-friendly streets in 5,000 years. And let’s not forget the ‘Southern hospitality’ where walking is treated like a dangerous pastime. Who needs infrastructure when you can have more accidents? As for TopSpeed’s ‘we love cars and driving, but not distracted driving,’ sure, we bet they’re not distracted when they’re counting their stock options after a distracted driving incident.
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