Ah, the iconic YouGov poll that has us all reeling with shock and awe, revealing that the likes of ‘Friends’ and ‘Seinfeld’ are actually NOT the top TV shows of all time! Who could have guessed? And there goes ‘The Brady Bunch’, proving that Gen X’s youth had more in common with ‘The Brady Bunch’ than with today’s youth. Oh, the times they are a-changing… or not, as the case may be. The ’60 Minutes’ on the list? Clearly, nostalgia is blinding. As for ‘The Muppet Show’, it’s a wonder it didn’t take the top spot; perhaps the voters needed a little more muppet love! And, of course, the grand winner ‘Jeopardy!’, proving that trivia knows no age boundaries – except for the fact that it’s been on the air since the 1960s, naturally! #NostalgiaBliss #TriviaIsKing #WhoWouldveThought
Read from: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/most-popular-tv-shows-america-ranked/