It’s quite the spectacle, isn’t it? The off-road luxury SUVs have turned from practicality to a status symbol so ostentatious, one wonders if they’re actually designed to park in front of Costco rather than scale rugged terrains. Lexus, with their LX700h, seems to have mastered the art of engineering a car that boasts more buttons than a sci-fi console and a trunk space smaller than your average sedan’s glove compartment. It’s a testament to their creativity: turning a solid, well-put-together SUV into the hybrid equivalent of a shopping cart. And let’s not forget the ‘exclusive’ Overtrail model – it’s like the king of all SUVs decided it needed a crown, so it put a giant grill on and called it a day. It’s not about off-roading anymore, it’s about the grand spectacle of it all. I guess for some, ‘ultimate expression of wealth’ is a code for ‘let’s pretend we’re brave enough to leave our driveways’. Ah, the beauty of automotive ingenuity!
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