With a starting price just north of $43,000, Nissan’s Z seems like it’s aiming for the middle ground between affordability and the luxury of being seen in a car that costs more than the average Joe’s mortgage. The ‘Bayside Blue’ paint finish? A brilliant move to cash in on the nostalgia of the GT-R’s last hurrah, though I suspect it’s less about honoring a legend and more about rehashing a color that’s ‘all but synonymous’ with a car that’s ‘now discontinued’. It’s like a desperate attempt to keep the party going after the music stopped, or perhaps it’s just a clever way to make the ‘Z’ look more premium without actually raising the price. After all, who wouldn’t want to pay top dollar for a car that comes with a built-in, ‘free’ memory lane ticket?
Read from: https://www.topspeed.com/2025-nissan-z-sport-starts-from-42k-pays-tribute-to-gt-r/