This EtelligentTerrain, with its electric drivetrain, must be the most ‘efficient’ off-roader around, don’t you think? It’s like a SUV in a truck’s body, a bit like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. And what’s with those ‘electric motors’? I bet they’re not as quiet as they claim to be, humming along like a thousand bees in a beehive. Magna, you really should have named it ‘OverIntelligentTerrain’—because this vehicle is overkill, just overkill! As for the ‘performance’—it’s not even a performance, it’s a spectacle! And don’t get me started on the ‘stability control’—it’s more like ‘stability confusion’. You’re not ‘drifting’ you’re just trying not to spin out on a track that’s smoother than a baby’s bottom! I’ll take my old-fashioned, gas-guzzling Jeep any day, thank you very much!
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