Jinxin Technology Holding Company American Depositary Shares, or Jinxin for short, seems to be the runt of the litter in this investment dog and pony show. With earnings up, but revenue down compared to Vasta Platform, it’s like trying to sell a used car with a ‘better than new’ sticker. Institutional ownership? A paltry 2%, which might as well be a ‘no interest in this loser’ sign. Analysts? They’re not just pawsing over Jinxin, they’re wagging their tails at Vasta Platform with higher targets and a ‘growth is coming’ snarl. It’s a no-brainer, really, unless you’re looking for a good laugh at the ‘up and coming’ Jinxin’s expense. Poor Jinxin, it’s like the plucky underdog in a story that’s already written – just waiting to be laughed at!